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41, avenue du X Septembre
B.P. 1734 | L-2551 Luxembourg
The domiciliation of companies in luxembourg - Lawyer in Luxembourg

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The domiciliation of companies in luxembourg

The LORANG & WINGERTER firm organizes the activity of constitution and domiciliation of the various types of companies in Luxembourg in its capacity as an authorized domiciliary agent.

The domiciliation of companies in luxembourg - Lawyer in Luxembourg

Definition and scope of the domiciliation of companies

The domiciliation of companies is an activity regulated by the law of May 31, 1999. The domiciliation of companies in Luxembourg is relevant if the company chooses to establish its head office in the premises of a third party, without it involving a rental, and the latter also providing services to the company such as the legal secretariat, as well as administrative follow-up.

Legal basis for the domiciliation of companies in Luxembourg.

The domiciliation of companies is regulated under Luxembourg law by the Law of May 31, 1999, which reserves the exercise of this activity to certain regulated professions, including lawyers.

Lawyers in Luxembourg exercise the domiciliary function under the authority and supervision of the Bar Association of Luxembourg.

Domiciling your company in Luxembourg

The domiciliation of companies in luxembourg - Lawyer in Luxembourg

Legal requirements for the domiciliation of companies

A contract relating to the domiciliation of companies must be signed between the Luxembourg domiciliary lawyer and the company domiciled in Luxembourg. The law requires the client to provide the domiciliary agent with precise legal documentation on the identity of the beneficial owner of the company.

The domiciliation agreement details the conditions of the intervention of the Luxembourg domiciliary agent, the services and benefits as well as their costs.

In practice, the duration of the domiciliation agreement covers an annual period renewable by tacit agreement, in the absence of termination.

The companies are domiciled in premises specially assigned to this activity and separated from the main office of the firm. Specially dedicated staff takes care of the administrative follow-up as well as the reception and the follow-up of mail. Additional legal services such as holding meetings can also be provided, on request.

The preparation and filing of accounts are provided to domiciled companies through the firm's accounting partners.

Need a lawyer for the domiciliation of your company ?

Legal requirements for the domiciliation of companies


Luxembourg law does not allow companies the corporate purpose of which is commercial and that are subject to a business permit to conclude a domiciliation contract with a domiciliary professional.

They are required to have sufficient infrastructure to carry out their commercial activities in Luxembourg.

The domiciliation of companies in luxembourg - Lawyer in Luxembourg

Domiciliation even with an approved professional, does not allow this criterion to be met.

The Lorang law firm may, depending on the availability of space, offer private offices in its business center.

Otherwise, it will assist its clients in their search for premises suitable for accommodating the activity of their company.

Advice for the domiciliation
of a commercial company in Luxembourg